Building and maintaining scalable advertising operations for publishers.

Connected TV

Taking publisher’s content over the top by providing both framework and marketing, enabling publishers to engage with their audinaces in a new and exciting way.


Ensuring proper implementation of new technologies as well as advertising platforms and campaigns, while lifting amazing products and media assets into profitable revenue streams.

Supply Side Platform

Holistic supply side platform, compatible with all types of integrations, supports publishers and app developers to maximize their programmatic digital revenues.


Creativity is in our core D.N.A, we are always in the search for innovative ways to deliver our partners solutions that would add value to their stand-alone products while integrating those to our platform.

Qulity and Safety

Keeping a clean and protected platform for all our partners is our top priority.For this we partnered with cyber security vendors that alongside our human expertise form a strong wall against malware, fraud andother potential harmful acts.


Our background in digital advertising space had started in the early beginning of 2009.
Today we are in the optimal position to be one step ahead, offering our partners a combination of advance business practices alongside extremely high quality standards.

OmniJay SSP Platform

Get in Touch

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Aluf Kalman Magen St 3, Tel Aviv-Yafo, 6107075
 1460 Broadway, New York, NY

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